Dropbox.com – Your Free Secure Data Backup and Sharing Solution

So what is Dropbox.com? Dropbox is an online software that allows you to set up a share folder on your computer that is securely stored on the Dropbox servers in the cloud. This folder appears by default in your my documents folder. Drop whatever you want in this folder (free …

How to Create High Quality (HD) Screencasts for the Web

I will quickly describe how to create HD quality screencasts for the web. The key to creating screencasts that end up looking great all depends on how you started to create your videos. I recommend to use Camtasia for all video screencasts, it’s an amazing piece of software and very easy to get the hang of it …

Preparing a Ubuntu (or other distro) Web Server for Drupal

So I recently created a VMware application with Ubuntu to test some of my Drupal sites offline. You can easily install Ubuntu by downloading one of their Images, I recommend 8.04.4 LTS (Hardy Heron) as it comes with Php 5.2. Anything after Hardy Heron comes with PHP 5.3 which causes …